How to Avoid Yellow Jacket & Hornet Infestations

It’s the height of summer, and that means it’s time to take precautions against yellow jacket and hornet infestations. These insects are a nuisance for many reasons, including their painful stings. If you have children or pets who go outside often, then this is especially important! Luckily there are some easy steps that anyone can take to avoid these pests from getting into your home.

What are yellow jackets and hornets? 

Hornets and yellow jackets are two types of wasps. They live in colonies, as bees do, but hornet nests can have thousands to tens of thousands of workers while a yellow jacket nest has only up to about 50 members at any given time. 

How do yellow jackets and hornets infest in a home?

Yellow jackets and hornets can infest in a home by finding gaps around the windows or doors. They fly into these small spaces then enter the house through an unscreened opening.

How to get rid of yellow jacket & hornet infestation? 

Your best course of action is to hire a trained professional. Keep the following in mind to avoid yellow jacket and hornet infestations this summer. Here are some tips to consider when it comes to avoiding an infestation. 

  •  Install window screens on all windows, doors, fire escapes and vents.
  • Seal gaps around window frames with caulk or weather stripping before installing a screen.
  • Check external walls for cracks that may allow wasps inside to nest
  • The best way to prevent bee and wasp nests is vacuuming up any  yellow jackets or hornets that come into the house. Once they are in the vacuum, seal them up so you can take out your frustrations by killing as many of these insects as possible!
  •  Contact a professional pest control company to be sure there is no live nest left behind and it’s not just one individual wasp or yellow jacket 

If you’re experiencing a yellow jacket or wasp infestation, contact the professionals at Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions today. We know how to get rid of these pests without the use of potentially harmful pesticides and we can do it quickly so that your family is protected from an unwanted pest problem.  Rid All Termite and Pest Solutions has been serving a variety of Mississippi and Tennessee cities for over 20 years. With over 10,000 homes served on our belt, our experienced technicians are committed to making your house as sturdy and safe as possible with our superior pest removal services. For a full list of services, visit our website or give us a call at 901-377-9915.
