How to Prevent House Flies

Are you finding yourself constantly hitting flies with a fly swatter in your home? Before you reach for that fly swatter, you are better off finding out what is attracting them. Finding the root of the cause means you need to do an inspection, sanitation and fly pest control to stop them from returning. Hiring a professional like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions will help you get rid of house flies the right way the first time so the flies don’t return.

House Fly Identification
Signs of Infestation of a House Fly
The one common sign of an infestation of a house fly is actually seeing the flies in your home. You may hear them flying around in your home or even larvae crawling out of where they are breeding as they pupate. If you hear them flying, you will hear a buzzing sound caused by their two wings beating together.

How House Flies Enter Your Home
Damaged screens or weather stripping of your home is the way house flies get inside. House flies are attracted to your home from air currents and different odors. They are attracted to warm air currents coming from your house on cooler days and cooler air currents on warmer days. They prefer temps around 83-degrees Fahrenheit.

House Fly Control
Getting Rid of House Flies
If you think your home has a fly infestation, it’s best you contact a pest control professional like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions to conduct an inspection so they can look for places where eggs may have been deposited. If the breeding site is not cleaned properly or the eggs aren’t removed, the house flies will return.

Eliminating the adult house flies is the step after disposing of the breeding site. Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions will create a treatment plan based on the circumstances of the house fly infestation.

If you are looking to avoid an infestation in the first place, sanitation needs to be done. Remove trash, use sealed garbage bins, and pick up pet waste to prevent the attraction of house flies. If one of your window screens have a rip or tear in it, patch it or replace it to avoid house flies from entering your home.

For immediate help for your pest problem, contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions at 901-377-9915 or visit our website to see the extensive services we offer so you can get back to living your life without worrying about pests!
