Termite Control in the Memphis Area

Termite Pest Control Near Memphis

Termites can hide within walls for months without ever being seen. By the time you notice their presence, termites could have already inflicted thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to your property. Find out why every business and homeowner should have their property inspected annually for these destructive insects.

Introduction to Termites

Termites are small insects that feed primarily on wood. They tend to live within the interiors of human dwellings in colonies consisting of millions of bugs. There are several types of termites, and different extermination methods may be better suited to kill certain species. Most termites thrive in moist environments, but no matter where you live, termites are always a threat.

How Termites Threaten People and Their Property

The National Pest Management Association reports that termites are responsible for at least $5 billion in property damage every year. Most insurance plans do not cover termite damage, so homeowners and businesses must cover that cost on their own. The only way to prevent termite damage is to receive regular inspections from a professional exterminator so that you can eliminate potential threats as soon as possible.

Termite Removal Methods

If an inspection uncovers a termite colony living in your property, a skilled exterminator can identify the best course of action based on the size of the infestation and the layout of your building. In severe cases, different eradication strategies may need to be combined. Below are some of the types of treatments used to deter and terminate termites:

Liquid Treatments

Liquid pesticides, such as Termidor, are sprayed around the inside and outside of a building’s foundation. Such solutions can kill existing colonies while serving as a barrier against incoming insects.

Dry Foam Treatments

Foam pesticides are used to treat the “hard to reach” places termites like to hide such as crevices in walls and beneath concrete slabs. Dry foams contain minimal moisture, so they don’t leave behind wet spots that affect your building’s structural integrity.


Typically used as a preventative measure, baits are ideal for at-risk areas outside the home like mulch and downspouts. Bait stations require careful monitoring to make sure that they are having the intended effect.

Professional Termite Inspection and Extermination in the Memphis Area

Don’t wait until you have a termite problem to schedule a pest inspection. Every property owner should establish a relationship with a pest control expert to protect their investment. Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has been keeping homes and businesses in the mid-south area bug-free for over two decades. In addition to eradicating pest problems, our highly trained exterminators can identify ways to protect your building from future infestations. Contact us for a free quote today.