How Dangerous is Wasp Venom?

Summertime is a season that most people look forward to all year and even though summer is associated with beach time, BBQs, outdoor concerts and dining, fishing, kayaking and so much more, one thing that is a downside of summer is the bugs! Most people associate summer with mosquitos and while they can certainly be a nuisance, wasps are also prevalent this time of year. So just how dangerous are wasp venom? While wasp stings can be uncomfortable, most people recover quickly and without complications. Here is some more information about wasps, according to Healthline. 

Symptoms of a wasp sting

The majority of people without sting allergies will show only minor symptoms during and after a wasp sting. The initial sensations can include sharp pain or burning at the sting site. Redness, swelling, and itching can occur as well.

Normal local reactions

You’re likely to develop a raised welt around the sting site. A tiny white mark may be visible in the middle of the welt where the stinger punctures your skin. Usually, the pain and swelling recedes within several hours of being stung.

Large local reactions

“Large local reactions” is a term used to describe more pronounced symptoms associated with a wasp or bee sting. People who have large local reactions may be allergic to wasp stings, but they don’t experience life-threatening symptoms, such as anaphylactic shock.

Large local reactions to wasp stings include extreme redness and swelling that increases for two or three days after the sting. Nausea and vomiting can also occur. Find out what’s happening in your body during an allergic reaction.

Most of the time, large local reactions subside on their own over the course of a week or so.

Let your doctor know if you have a large local reaction after a wasp sting. They may direct you to take an over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamine medication (such as Benadryl) to reduce your discomfort.

Having a large local reaction after a wasp sting one time doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll react to future stings in the same way.

You could have one strong reaction and never show the same symptoms again. However, a large local reaction could be the way your body routinely responds to wasp stings.

Try to avoid being stung to prevent these uncomfortable symptoms.

While wasp stings can certainly be uncomfortable, for the most part people who do not have allergies can recovery quickly and still enjoy their day! Rid All Termite and Pest Solutions has been serving a variety of Mississippi and Tennessee cities for over 20 years. With over 10,000 homes served on our belt, our experienced technicians are committed to making your house as sturdy and safe as possible with our superior pest removal services. For a full list of services, visit our website or give us a call at 901-377-9915.
