Serving The Mid South Since 1997 901-377-9915
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J Olive Branch, MS 38654


A Guide to Bed Bug Powder

September 23, 2022

Screen Shot 2022 09 23 at 2.32.28 PM 300x167 - A Guide to Bed Bug Powder


If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, you may consider using bed bug powder. But what is bed bug powder? And does it really work? In this blog post, we’ll answer those questions and more. So keep reading to learn everything you need about bed bug powder.

What is Bed Bug Powder?

Bed bug powder is a type of insecticide used to kill bed bugs. It usually comes as a fine powder that can be sprinkled on surfaces where bed bugs are present. When the powder comes into contact with the bed bugs, it will kill them. 

Is Bed Bug Powder Effective? 

Yes, bed bug powder can be effective in killing bed bugs. However, it’s important to note that bed bug powder is not a silver bullet. There are a few things you need to keep in mind for it to be effective. First, you need to make sure you’re using enough powder. A light dusting will not be enough – you must ensure the powder covers the surface completely. Second, you need to ensure the powder is contacting the bugs. If there are any cracks or crevices where the bugs can hide, the powder may not be able to reach them. 

Are There Any drawbacks to Using Bed Bug Powder? 

One potential drawback of using bed bug powder is that it can be difficult to apply evenly, especially if you’re trying to cover a large area. As we mentioned before, it’s essential to ensure the entire surface is covered with a thick layer of powder to be effective. If you’re not careful, you may end up with patches of uncovered surface area where the bugs can still hide. Another potential drawback is that some people may have sensitivities or allergies to certain types of insecticide powders. If you’re concerned about this, test a small area before applying the powder more broadly. 

Bed bug powder can effectively kill bed bugs – but it’s not a cure-all. Use enough powder and apply it evenly for the best results. And if you’re concerned about sensitivities or allergies, test a small area before using it more broadly. 

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service. 

Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Commercial Pest control

Importance of Keeping Your Business Pest Free

January 11, 2021

Imagine you’re out to eat at a restaurant and all of a sudden you feel a mouse run across your feet. Or, imagine you’re trying on clothes at a local store and in the corner of the changing room, you see a spider weaving a web. What would you do? You’d probably freak out, right? 

After you freak out, what else are you likely to do? Probably leave and never come back, right? You might even tell your friends and family about your experience and tell them to never go there. You could even go as far as going online and writing a negative review for thousands of people to read. 

As a business owner, this sounds like a nightmare doesn’t it? That’s why it is crucial to keep your business pest free.

On top of losing customers and having your business’s reputation ruined, having pests in your business can be a serious health and safety hazard.  

When a lot of people think of pests, they think of filth and disease, and believe it or not, they’re not wrong. Pests are likely to track bacteria, disease, and viruses into places where people shop and eat. 

Pests can also cause serious damage to your business’s property and products. Some pests eat away at your walls and boxes, while others make a mess that can be hard to clean up. 

The best way to prevent any of this from happening is to have Rid All Termites & Pest Solutions come and take care of the problem. It’s important that you don’t shrug off a couple of cockroaches or a mouse that’s in your store. Get rid of these pests immediately. 

A one-time elimination may initially help your problem, however, the key to keeping your business pest-free is to have a regular inspection and treatment. Depending on your landscaping and location, you may have recurring issues that require spraying every few months. 

Lucky for you, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions can take care of all your pest problems. For more information, visit our website or give us a call at  901-377-9915!


Keeping Your Home Pest-Free

December 21, 2020

Are you getting tired of pests invading your home? No matter what time of year, pests can be a huge problem for homeowners. Scheduling regular pest control services from Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions is the key to keeping your home pest-free in the long term. However, there are different things you can do to help prevent a serious pest infestation in your home right now. Follow these tips to help make sure your home stays pest-free. 

Keep FireWood, Bricks, and Stones Away From House

Pests love it when you stack wood and bricks near your house. It gives them shelter and a place to hide. A good rule of thumb is to stack your wood and bricks at least 20 feet from your house. 

Cover Trash and Keep in Tightly Closed Bins

Pests are always on the hunt for food, and once they find a trash can that they can get a meal out of every now and then, they will stay close to your house. To prevent this, keep your trash cans sealed and tightly closed. To help keep flies away, empty your trash can every week. 

Watch for Water

Pest need two things to survive, food and water. Rodents will follow a water source and insects usually like damp cool places. To eliminate the risk of pests getting close to your house, eliminate the water source. Look for areas where water may pool up after a rain shower, and make sure you turn off your garden hose completely. 

Keep Kitchen Clean

Your kitchen could be a hot-spot for pests. Pests can typically be found wherever there is a food source. If you want to keep your house pest-free, clean your kitchen. Don’t leave food out on the counters, seal all bags and containers, and sweep up your crumbs. 

Keep the Rest of Your House Clean

Not only do you need to keep your kitchen clean, but you should also keep the rest of your house clean. Pests love dirty, unkempt areas like attics and basements. To avoid a pest infestation in your house, vacuum regularly and perform a deep clean at least once every two months. 

Keep Up With Yard Work

Overgrown grass, bushes, and gardens draw in wild animals and give insects a place to thrive. If you want to keep pests away, take care of your yard. Mow your lawn weekly, trim your bushes, and rake up leaves and sticks. 

No matter if it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter, pests can be a problem. Take the proper precautions to help ensure that your house stays pest-free. 

If you are experiencing a pest problem or would like to schedule an inspection, call the professionals at Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions. For more information visit our website, or give us a call at 901-377-9915!

Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J
Olive Branch, MS 38654
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