Serving The Mid South Since 1997 901-377-9915
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J Olive Branch, MS 38654


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How To Tell If You Have Rodents In Your Home

February 21, 2023

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Rodents are sneaky and can live in your home without you ever knowing it. However, if you know what to look for, it is possible to identify a rodent infestation before it gets out of hand.

Here are some signs that rodents have invaded your home, as well as tips on how to get rid of them quickly and efficiently:


One of the most apparent signs of a rodent infestation is finding droppings around your home. These droppings can be found anywhere from the kitchen to the basement and can even be spotted in areas where food is stored. It’s important to note that these droppings can contain harmful bacteria, so if you find any, clean them up immediately with gloves and dispose of them properly.


Rodents are active during the night when humans are typically sleeping, but if you hear rustling or scratching noises coming from inside walls or ceilings late at night or early in the morning, this could be a sign that rodents are living inside your home. Be sure to investigate further and contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions immediately if this is the case.

Gnaw Marks

Rodents use powerful incisors to gnaw through wood, plastic, and other materials found in homes. If you notice small holes (about ¼ inch) around baseboards or other areas of your home, this could indicate that rodents have been chewing their way into places they shouldn’t be.

Nesting Materials

Rodents will use soft materials like newspaper strips, fabric fibers, cotton balls, insulation pieces, shredded paper towels or tissues, and paper bags to build nests in dark corners or behind appliances like refrigerators or dishwashers.

Unusual Odors

A strong musky smell may indicate the presence of rats or mice in your home. A sweet scent may also accompany this odor from urine or feces deposits left by rodents in hard-to-reach places like wall cavities or attics/basements between floors/ceilings.

If you suspect rodents may be living in your home, don’t hesitate to contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions for professional inspection and removal services. The longer these pests remain in your home, the more damage they can do – not just physically but also financially – so act fast!

It’s crucial to have a trusted pest control company on hand should you find yourself dealing with any pest-related issue in your home. With Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on your side, you can rest assured that we will handle any infestation quickly and efficiently so you can get back to living life pest-free! Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.

The Most Common Pests in Homes and How to Get Rid of Them

January 26, 2023

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If you’re a homeowner, the last thing you want is for your home to be invaded by pests. Unfortunately, it’s something that happens far too often. You could find yourself dealing with anything from spiders to cockroaches to rodents. Trying to manage these different infestations on your own can be a daunting task, and that’s why it’s crucial to have a trusted pest control service like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on hand.
Let’s look at some of the most common types of pests found in homes and what you can do about them.
Spider infestations are one of the most common problems homeowners face. Fortunately, spider populations tend to die during the winter, but they come roaring back in spring and summer. To prevent a spider infestation, make sure there are no open entry points around windows or doors. If the problem persists, it may be time to call in professional help from Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions.
Cockroaches are one of the most unwelcome pests found in homes. These hardy insects multiply quickly and can survive even under extreme conditions, making them especially difficult to get rid of without professional assistance. To keep cockroaches away, keep all food items sealed tightly and regularly clean up any spilled food or crumbs that could attract them into your home.
Rodents such as rats or mice pose serious health risks due to their droppings and fur that contain bacteria which can lead to contamination when ingested or inhaled by humans. To avoid an infestation of rodents in your home, make sure all food items are kept in sealed plastic containers so as not to attract them into your house; seal off any entry points around windows or doors where they might enter from outside. If you’re already dealing with an infestation, contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions today for effective rodent control services!
Cockroaches are nocturnal insects that typically live in dark places like basements or bathrooms. They reproduce quickly and feed on any organic material they can get their hands on—including human food sources! Cockroaches also spread germs that can make you sick, so it is important not to let them take over your house. To help keep cockroach populations down, practice good sanitation habits and regularly vacuum carpets and furniture throughout the home.
Bed Bugs 
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood while people sleep. They often enter homes by hitching rides on clothes or luggage after people have traveled away from infested areas. However, bed bugs can also travel through secondhand furniture or clothing items brought into the home and other objects like books or boxes that have been previously stored in infested locations. To reduce the chances of getting bed bugs, inspect items for signs of pests before bringing them inside your house, and vacuuming regularly throughout all areas of your home helps too!
It’s no surprise that pests can cause immense stress for homeowners — after all, they invade our homes uninvited and wreak havoc on our daily lives! That’s why it’s crucial to have a trusted pest control company like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on hand should you find yourself dealing with any pest-related issue in your home.
Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.
Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Understanding the Bed Bug Cycle: A Homeowner’s Guide

December 20, 2022

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If you’ve ever dealt with bed bugs, you know just how frustrating and problematic they can be to get rid of. The key to successfully removing bed bugs from your home is understanding the life cycle of a bed bug and knowing how to identify them. Fortunately, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions can help walk you through the process so that you can take back control of your home!

The Life Cycle of a Bed Bug

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on human blood. They typically live within eight feet of where people sleep, which makes them especially difficult to detect. However, understanding their life cycle can help you identify and eradicate them from your home.

Bed bugs typically go through the following stages in their life cycle — egg, nymph (five stages), and adult. The cycle takes anywhere from four weeks to four months, depending on the environment and temperature. Bed bugs usually lay five eggs per day and up to 500 over their lifetime. It takes around 6-10 days for eggs to hatch into nymphs, or baby bed bugs, which then molt five times before becoming adults. Adult female bed bugs live for around 200 days, while males only live for about 120 days.

Identifying Bed Bugs

Familiarizing yourself with what bed bugs look like to quickly identify them if they appear in your home is essential. Adult bed bugs are approximately 1/4 inch long, have an oval shape, and are reddish-brown — though they may become darker or lighter depending on how recently they have fed. Nymphs are much smaller in size and white in color until after they feed on blood; then, they turn bright red. Additionally, although it might not be pleasant, one way to identify if there is a bed bug infestation is by looking for dark or rusty spots on mattresses or sheets due to fecal matter from the bugs themselves.

Knowing how to recognize the signs of a potential infestation is one of the most critical steps in preventing an infestation altogether. With the help of Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions‘ guide on understanding the life cycle of a bed bug combined with our expert pest services – homeowners can rest assured that their homes will be free from any pesky critters!

Don’t hesitate to contact us today – we look forward to helping! Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions offers various general pest control services, including regular inspection and treatment, to keep bed bugs and other invaders at bay. Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment.

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.  

A Guide to Bed Bug Powder

September 23, 2022

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If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, you may consider using bed bug powder. But what is bed bug powder? And does it really work? In this blog post, we’ll answer those questions and more. So keep reading to learn everything you need about bed bug powder.

What is Bed Bug Powder?

Bed bug powder is a type of insecticide used to kill bed bugs. It usually comes as a fine powder that can be sprinkled on surfaces where bed bugs are present. When the powder comes into contact with the bed bugs, it will kill them. 

Is Bed Bug Powder Effective? 

Yes, bed bug powder can be effective in killing bed bugs. However, it’s important to note that bed bug powder is not a silver bullet. There are a few things you need to keep in mind for it to be effective. First, you need to make sure you’re using enough powder. A light dusting will not be enough – you must ensure the powder covers the surface completely. Second, you need to ensure the powder is contacting the bugs. If there are any cracks or crevices where the bugs can hide, the powder may not be able to reach them. 

Are There Any drawbacks to Using Bed Bug Powder? 

One potential drawback of using bed bug powder is that it can be difficult to apply evenly, especially if you’re trying to cover a large area. As we mentioned before, it’s essential to ensure the entire surface is covered with a thick layer of powder to be effective. If you’re not careful, you may end up with patches of uncovered surface area where the bugs can still hide. Another potential drawback is that some people may have sensitivities or allergies to certain types of insecticide powders. If you’re concerned about this, test a small area before applying the powder more broadly. 

Bed bug powder can effectively kill bed bugs – but it’s not a cure-all. Use enough powder and apply it evenly for the best results. And if you’re concerned about sensitivities or allergies, test a small area before using it more broadly. 

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service. 

Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

The Negative Impacts on Your Health from Pest Infestations

September 27, 2021

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An infestation of pests that vary in size and species is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. For those individuals who are phobic of any invasive critters, nothing is more startling than flipping on your basement light to see something scurry past your feet.


Whether your response to a pest is stark fear or mild annoyance, the reason for this blunt emotion is primordial in nature. We as humans are aware they pose a threat and are not fearful because of their eerie appearance.


Even a single ant in your kitchen may be an indication of an infestation. Rid All Termite and Pest Solutions want to educate you on defining what exactly an infestation is, the danger it poses to human health, and preventative methods.


What Defines An ‘Infestation’?

Just because you notice a spider on the basement stairs or a chipmunk in your garage does not instantly guarantee you have a pest infestation. However, the fact that one has gotten in means that more likely than not, many more have been signaled for entry.


The term ‘infestation’ refers to a large amount of insects or other pests invading the interior of your living environment. For instance, hornets setting up nests behind broken siding on your house and several finding a way inside is considered an infestation.


When it comes to rodents, especially mice, even just one is considered a rodent infestation. Due to their size, they can cause more damage and risk to your health. If more follow suit, the problems compound quicker.


Damage To Your Health

The danger that any type of pest infestation poses to your health, your family’s health, or your pet’s well-being is so broad, it pays to eliminate the issue long before it gets out of control. Here are some health effects to be aware of, caused by pest infestations.


Insects of all kinds bite, in one way or another. Spider bites are infrequent but possible, whereas a bed bug bite can trigger a severe allergic reaction in someone who previously never knew of the allergy. If you live in an area with termites, an infestation of these creatures kicks up dust, aggravating any respiratory allergies you or your children have.


More dangerous is rodent infestations. Mice urinate and defecate several times a day, and they do it wherever they make a home. Because mice and rats root through trash, they carry with them E coli, salmonella, and other bacteria, potentially spreading it on your food if they reside in your cabinets.


Prevention Is Key

Hiring a team like Rid All Termite and Pest Solutions to safely eliminate a pest infestation of any kind is a valuable solution; however, preventing an infestation before it occurs is even better.


If you know your area is prone to a specific infestation, contact Rid All Termite and Pest Solutions to conduct an evaluation of your home. In doing so, an experienced technician will identify problem areas for you to repair or replace. Visit their website today for more information!



Keeping Your Home Pest-Free

December 21, 2020

Are you getting tired of pests invading your home? No matter what time of year, pests can be a huge problem for homeowners. Scheduling regular pest control services from Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions is the key to keeping your home pest-free in the long term. However, there are different things you can do to help prevent a serious pest infestation in your home right now. Follow these tips to help make sure your home stays pest-free. 

Keep FireWood, Bricks, and Stones Away From House

Pests love it when you stack wood and bricks near your house. It gives them shelter and a place to hide. A good rule of thumb is to stack your wood and bricks at least 20 feet from your house. 

Cover Trash and Keep in Tightly Closed Bins

Pests are always on the hunt for food, and once they find a trash can that they can get a meal out of every now and then, they will stay close to your house. To prevent this, keep your trash cans sealed and tightly closed. To help keep flies away, empty your trash can every week. 

Watch for Water

Pest need two things to survive, food and water. Rodents will follow a water source and insects usually like damp cool places. To eliminate the risk of pests getting close to your house, eliminate the water source. Look for areas where water may pool up after a rain shower, and make sure you turn off your garden hose completely. 

Keep Kitchen Clean

Your kitchen could be a hot-spot for pests. Pests can typically be found wherever there is a food source. If you want to keep your house pest-free, clean your kitchen. Don’t leave food out on the counters, seal all bags and containers, and sweep up your crumbs. 

Keep the Rest of Your House Clean

Not only do you need to keep your kitchen clean, but you should also keep the rest of your house clean. Pests love dirty, unkempt areas like attics and basements. To avoid a pest infestation in your house, vacuum regularly and perform a deep clean at least once every two months. 

Keep Up With Yard Work

Overgrown grass, bushes, and gardens draw in wild animals and give insects a place to thrive. If you want to keep pests away, take care of your yard. Mow your lawn weekly, trim your bushes, and rake up leaves and sticks. 

No matter if it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter, pests can be a problem. Take the proper precautions to help ensure that your house stays pest-free. 

If you are experiencing a pest problem or would like to schedule an inspection, call the professionals at Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions. For more information visit our website, or give us a call at 901-377-9915!

Pest inspection

The Importance of Pest Inspection for Your New Home

October 4, 2019

Moving into a new home can be a grand adventure. The researching, the viewing, and the decision to put in an offer are exciting. When you finally find the perfect home, it’s always advised to get a home inspection to confirm that the structure is sound and there are no underlying electrical or HVAC issues. 

However, it is highly recommended to get a pest inspection from a licensed professional before you move in.  This is not only to ensure you don’t have unwanted housemates but also to protect your family and investment.

Here are reasons why you should schedule a pest inspection before you purchase your home:

Avoid Unwanted Guests

If you discover a pest infestation after you move in, the damage caused and expense to treat it falls on you, the new homeowner. Getting an inspection before the sale is finalized gives you leverage in the event there is an infestation. As the buyer, you can ask the seller to arrange a pest control visit to alleviate the issue or ask for the price to be lowered to compensate for future pest control expenses. 

Discover Past Damage

By law, sellers are usually required to report any past infestation damage. When it comes to listing the details, this information might slip their minds, or more likely, they may not be aware of any damages as it’s not always visible to the naked eye. Getting a professional pest inspection will ensure there are no damages to wood, flooring, insulation, or any structural components.

Peace of Mind

When purchasing a home, there is already enough to worry about. Pests shouldn’t be one of them. Scheduling a pest inspection will uncover any destructive pests that are or have been in your home as well as expose any areas that may need pest protection in the future. 

Safety First

Some critters – stinging insects, bed bugs, poisonous spiders – carry diseases or pose a threat to your family. Knowing if the pests are around and learning how to rid of them effectively will make your home safer for years to come. 

Home Value

Arranging a pest inspection prior to moving can only benefit the future value of your home. Unwanted pests will decrease your home’s value, especially if you plan to increase the value with renovations. 

If you plan on buying a new home, scheduling a pest inspection with Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions will protect your investment and your family. 

Established in 1997, family-owned and operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served over 10,000 businesses and homeowners in the mid-south area of Olive Branch, MS. Through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service, we lead the mid-south pest control industry. We serve you best with integrity, ongoing employee training, and safety awareness. Visit our website for more information or call (901) 377-9915.



Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J
Olive Branch, MS 38654
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