Serving The Mid South Since 1997 901-377-9915
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J Olive Branch, MS 38654


Rid All Termite   Pest Solutions Mar 2023 pic - How to Prepare for Spring Bugs and Insects

How to Prepare for Spring Bugs and Insects

April 3, 2023

Spring is a beautiful time of year, with flowers blooming and warmer weather finally arriving after a long winter. However, along with the joys of spring come the bugs and insects that seem to come out of nowhere. From ants in your kitchen to mosquitoes in your backyard, these pests can quickly become a nuisance if unprepared. In this blog post, we’ll cover some tips on preparing for spring bugs and insects so that you can enjoy the season without any unwanted visitors.

Clean Up Your Yard

One of the best ways to prevent bugs and insects from invading your home is by keeping your yard clean and tidy. This means raking up any leaves or debris, trimming back overgrown bushes and trees, and removing any standing water that may have accumulated during winter. Doing these things will eliminate many potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, flies, and other pests.

Seal Up Your Home

Another critical step in preparing for spring bugs is to seal up your home as much as possible. Check all doors and windows for gaps or cracks where bugs could enter, and repair them if necessary. In addition, consider installing screens on all windows and doors to provide an extra layer of protection against flying insects.

Use Natural Repellents

Several options are available if you’re looking for a natural way to keep bugs at bay. Essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus can be used as natural bug repellents when applied topically or diffused throughout your home. Citronella candles are also effective at keeping mosquitoes away when used outdoors.

Keep Food Sealed

Bugs are attracted to food sources, so it’s essential to make sure all food items in your home are stored in sealed containers or bags, including pet food! Keeping your kitchen clean and free of crumbs will also help deter ants and other crawling insects from entering your home.

Consider Professional Help

If you’ve tried everything but still struggle with pesky bugs and insects in your home or yard, it may be time to call the professionals. Pest control companies have access to specialized tools and treatments that effectively eradicate even the toughest infestations.

While springtime brings many joys, it’s important to be aware of the increased presence of bugs and insects during this season. By following these tips on preparing for spring bugs and insects, you can ensure that your home remains pest-free so that you can fully enjoy all that spring has to offer!

Family-owned and operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions was established in 1997. Since then, we have served over 10,000 homeowners and businesses in the mid-south area near Olive Branch. Our mission is to lead the mid-south pest control industry by educating the general public on current pest industry events, including providing choice and affordability to prospective clients and maintaining excellent communication and service to existing clients.

To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 901-377-9915 today!

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How To Tell If You Have Rodents In Your Home

February 21, 2023

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Rodents are sneaky and can live in your home without you ever knowing it. However, if you know what to look for, it is possible to identify a rodent infestation before it gets out of hand.

Here are some signs that rodents have invaded your home, as well as tips on how to get rid of them quickly and efficiently:


One of the most apparent signs of a rodent infestation is finding droppings around your home. These droppings can be found anywhere from the kitchen to the basement and can even be spotted in areas where food is stored. It’s important to note that these droppings can contain harmful bacteria, so if you find any, clean them up immediately with gloves and dispose of them properly.


Rodents are active during the night when humans are typically sleeping, but if you hear rustling or scratching noises coming from inside walls or ceilings late at night or early in the morning, this could be a sign that rodents are living inside your home. Be sure to investigate further and contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions immediately if this is the case.

Gnaw Marks

Rodents use powerful incisors to gnaw through wood, plastic, and other materials found in homes. If you notice small holes (about ¼ inch) around baseboards or other areas of your home, this could indicate that rodents have been chewing their way into places they shouldn’t be.

Nesting Materials

Rodents will use soft materials like newspaper strips, fabric fibers, cotton balls, insulation pieces, shredded paper towels or tissues, and paper bags to build nests in dark corners or behind appliances like refrigerators or dishwashers.

Unusual Odors

A strong musky smell may indicate the presence of rats or mice in your home. A sweet scent may also accompany this odor from urine or feces deposits left by rodents in hard-to-reach places like wall cavities or attics/basements between floors/ceilings.

If you suspect rodents may be living in your home, don’t hesitate to contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions for professional inspection and removal services. The longer these pests remain in your home, the more damage they can do – not just physically but also financially – so act fast!

It’s crucial to have a trusted pest control company on hand should you find yourself dealing with any pest-related issue in your home. With Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on your side, you can rest assured that we will handle any infestation quickly and efficiently so you can get back to living life pest-free! Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.

The Most Common Pests in Homes and How to Get Rid of Them

January 26, 2023

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If you’re a homeowner, the last thing you want is for your home to be invaded by pests. Unfortunately, it’s something that happens far too often. You could find yourself dealing with anything from spiders to cockroaches to rodents. Trying to manage these different infestations on your own can be a daunting task, and that’s why it’s crucial to have a trusted pest control service like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on hand.
Let’s look at some of the most common types of pests found in homes and what you can do about them.
Spider infestations are one of the most common problems homeowners face. Fortunately, spider populations tend to die during the winter, but they come roaring back in spring and summer. To prevent a spider infestation, make sure there are no open entry points around windows or doors. If the problem persists, it may be time to call in professional help from Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions.
Cockroaches are one of the most unwelcome pests found in homes. These hardy insects multiply quickly and can survive even under extreme conditions, making them especially difficult to get rid of without professional assistance. To keep cockroaches away, keep all food items sealed tightly and regularly clean up any spilled food or crumbs that could attract them into your home.
Rodents such as rats or mice pose serious health risks due to their droppings and fur that contain bacteria which can lead to contamination when ingested or inhaled by humans. To avoid an infestation of rodents in your home, make sure all food items are kept in sealed plastic containers so as not to attract them into your house; seal off any entry points around windows or doors where they might enter from outside. If you’re already dealing with an infestation, contact Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions today for effective rodent control services!
Cockroaches are nocturnal insects that typically live in dark places like basements or bathrooms. They reproduce quickly and feed on any organic material they can get their hands on—including human food sources! Cockroaches also spread germs that can make you sick, so it is important not to let them take over your house. To help keep cockroach populations down, practice good sanitation habits and regularly vacuum carpets and furniture throughout the home.
Bed Bugs 
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood while people sleep. They often enter homes by hitching rides on clothes or luggage after people have traveled away from infested areas. However, bed bugs can also travel through secondhand furniture or clothing items brought into the home and other objects like books or boxes that have been previously stored in infested locations. To reduce the chances of getting bed bugs, inspect items for signs of pests before bringing them inside your house, and vacuuming regularly throughout all areas of your home helps too!
It’s no surprise that pests can cause immense stress for homeowners — after all, they invade our homes uninvited and wreak havoc on our daily lives! That’s why it’s crucial to have a trusted pest control company like Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions on hand should you find yourself dealing with any pest-related issue in your home.
Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.
Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Understanding the Bed Bug Cycle: A Homeowner’s Guide

December 20, 2022

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If you’ve ever dealt with bed bugs, you know just how frustrating and problematic they can be to get rid of. The key to successfully removing bed bugs from your home is understanding the life cycle of a bed bug and knowing how to identify them. Fortunately, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions can help walk you through the process so that you can take back control of your home!

The Life Cycle of a Bed Bug

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on human blood. They typically live within eight feet of where people sleep, which makes them especially difficult to detect. However, understanding their life cycle can help you identify and eradicate them from your home.

Bed bugs typically go through the following stages in their life cycle — egg, nymph (five stages), and adult. The cycle takes anywhere from four weeks to four months, depending on the environment and temperature. Bed bugs usually lay five eggs per day and up to 500 over their lifetime. It takes around 6-10 days for eggs to hatch into nymphs, or baby bed bugs, which then molt five times before becoming adults. Adult female bed bugs live for around 200 days, while males only live for about 120 days.

Identifying Bed Bugs

Familiarizing yourself with what bed bugs look like to quickly identify them if they appear in your home is essential. Adult bed bugs are approximately 1/4 inch long, have an oval shape, and are reddish-brown — though they may become darker or lighter depending on how recently they have fed. Nymphs are much smaller in size and white in color until after they feed on blood; then, they turn bright red. Additionally, although it might not be pleasant, one way to identify if there is a bed bug infestation is by looking for dark or rusty spots on mattresses or sheets due to fecal matter from the bugs themselves.

Knowing how to recognize the signs of a potential infestation is one of the most critical steps in preventing an infestation altogether. With the help of Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions‘ guide on understanding the life cycle of a bed bug combined with our expert pest services – homeowners can rest assured that their homes will be free from any pesky critters!

Don’t hesitate to contact us today – we look forward to helping! Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions offers various general pest control services, including regular inspection and treatment, to keep bed bugs and other invaders at bay. Visit our website for more information, or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment.

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated, Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.  

How to Control and Get Rid of Millipedes in Your House

August 12, 2022

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If you have been finding millipedes in your house recently, you may wonder how to get rid of them. Millipedes can be a nuisance and can also be dangerous if they come into contact with humans. 

This blog post will discuss how to control and eliminate millipedes in your house. We will provide tips on how to prevent them from coming in the first place and how to get rid of them if they have already made themselves at home.

One of the best ways to control millipedes in your house is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Millipedes are attracted to damp, dark places, so seal any cracks or crevices around your home that could provide them with an entry point. Additionally, keep your home clean and free of clutter, as this will create fewer hiding places for millipedes. You can use a dehumidifier to reduce the moisture in your home, making it less attractive to millipedes.

If you already have millipedes in your house, there are a few different ways that you can get rid of them. One option is to vacuum them up, but make sure to dispose of the bag immediately afterward so they cannot escape. Another option is to use a damp cloth or mop to sweep them up and dispose of them. You can also use a chemical insecticide, but follow the instructions carefully and keep it out of reach of children and pets. Finally, consider hiring a professional pest solution company to control millipedes in your house.

With these tips, you should be able to control and get rid of millipedes in your house quickly and easily! If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help. 

Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions provides various effective solutions to eliminate termites. Call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment or visit our website for more information.

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service.

Places Wasps Go in Winter (And How to Get Rid of Them)

June 29, 2022
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If you’re like most people, the answer to these questions is a mystery to you: Do wasps hibernate? Where do they go in winter? What do they do when it’s cold outside? 

In this blog post, we will answer all of these questions and more! We will also provide tips on how to get rid of wasps during the winter months. Knowledge is power in pest control, so read on and learn all you can.

One place wasps may go in the winter is inside your home. They can enter through cracks and crevices around doors and windows. Once inside, they will build their nests in dark, secluded areas. If you have wasps in your home, you will likely see them flying around near windows or doors.

When winter comes, most wasps will die off. However, a few species of wasps can survive the cold weather. These wasps will find a place to hibernate until spring arrives. Some of the places where wasps go in winter include:

  • Underneath porches
  • In cracks and crevices in buildings
  • In trees and shrubs
  • Garages and sheds
  • In attics and crawl spaces
  • In wall voids

If you find wasps in any of these places, you can get rid of them using a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Vacuum up the wasps and dispose of them outside. You can also use an insecticide. If you find a wasp nest on your property, getting rid of it as soon as possible is essential. Otherwise, the wasps will continue to reproduce, and you will have an even bigger problem on your hands.

Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions provides a variety of effective insecticides that can be used to get rid of wasps. Contact us today for more information. Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service. 

Visit our website for more information or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.

Ant Treatment: When to DIY and When to Call the Pros

May 16, 2022

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Ants are a common household pest. Unfortunately, they can be annoying and challenging to get rid of. Many people try to treat an ant problem on their own, but this can often be ineffective and sometimes even dangerous. 

In this blog post, we will discuss when it is appropriate to DIY ant treatment and when you should call the professionals. We will also provide some tips for getting rid of ants safely and effectively.

There are a few different things to consider when deciding whether to treat ants on your own or call the professionals. The first is the type of ant you are dealing with. If you are dealing with carpenter ants or fire ants, it is best to call the professionals. These types of ants can cause damage to your home and can be difficult to get rid of. On the other hand, if you are dealing with a different kind of ants, such as sugar ants or Pharaoh ants, you may be able to treat the issue yourself.

Another thing to consider is the size of the infestation. If you only have a few ants, it is probably safe to try a DIY treatment. However, if you have a significant infestation, it is best to call the professionals. A large infestation can be difficult to treat on your own and can often require multiple treatments.

Homeowners use several methods to treat pesky ants, such as baits, traps, and sprays. However, these methods are often ineffective and sometimes even dangerous. If you decide to treat ants on your own, it is essential to use a safe method for your family and pets.

Finally, you should also consider the severity of the infestation. If the ants are causing damage to your home or posing a health risk, it is best to call the professionals. On the other hand, if the ants are just a nuisance, you may be able to treat them on your own.

If you decide to DIY ant treatment, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure to follow the directions on any products you use.
  • Be sure to treat all areas where ants are present.
  • Be sure to monitor the situation and retreat as necessary.

If you decide to call the professionals, they will likely use baits or sprays to get rid of the ants. They may also use dust or gels. These treatments are usually more effective than DIY treatments.

When it comes to ant treatment, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Consider the type of ant, the size of the infestation, and the severity of the infestation when deciding whether to DIY or call the professionals. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with a pest control professional. They will be able to help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation and help you get rid of your pests once and for all. 

Established in 1997, family-owned and -operated Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions has served numerous customers throughout the mid-south area of Olive Branch, Mississippi. We lead the mid-south pest control industry through community education, affordability, and top-notch customer service. Visit our website for more information or call (901) 377-9915 to schedule an appointment today.


Termite Swarming Season: Things to Know

May 10, 2022
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Termite season


Termite swarming season is an annual problem that occurs during the spring season and typically lasts five to six months. Therefore, it’s crucial to be prepared before termites start to swarm and invade your property.

The termite swarm originates when many winged termites leave their existing colony to create a new one. The newly-formed colony then marches together to explore their new home. It’s quite a sight to see dozens of termites swarm and descend upon a house. 

A swarm of termites is the first method of alerting a homeowner about the presence of termites on their property. Swarms are usually easy to identify since they are dark in color and have two wings equal in size, measuring an inch long. Flying ants are often mistaken for termites, but ants have a constricted waist, and termites do not. Additionally, termite wings are uniform in size. 

Unfortunately, there aren’t many ways to prevent termite swarms. However, there are preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of an infestation:

  • Ensure there is no wood to soil contact around your property. 
  • Repair crevices and cracks in the foundation of your home.
  • Keep the gutters and downspouts free of debris.
  • Install termite shields around the foundation of your house. 

Termite damage can be devastating. If you suspect you have a termite infestation, the best thing for you to do is call a pest control company that specializes in termite control. The professionals at Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions will eliminate so you can live and work comfortably. Our exterminators are also available to evaluate the future risk of infestation and set up a maintenance plan.  

Call us today at (901) 377- 9915 or email us at For more information about our services, visit our website.


Why Termite Inspection Matters When Buying a New Home

May 3, 2022

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You finally found the perfect house, and it checks all the boxes on your list. But before you sign those papers, take a minute to make sure your house doesn’t have any hidden issues. Did you know that termites damage approximately 600,000 homes per year in the United States? Before buying a new home, a termite inspection is a must-do for several reasons.

Termites, also known as white ants, are wood-destroying insects. They are not dangerous to humans, but they are incredibly hazardous to your home due to the amount of damage they can cause. Down to their bones, most homes are constructed of wood, which is the favorite snack of a termite. They consume wood from cabinets, joists, walls, papers, boxes, and books in homes. They are even known for destroying shrubs, trees, and other foliage surrounding your home.

Even though the average cost of termite damage repair is $3,000 and termites cause over $5 billion in property damage annually, no federal law mandates a termite inspection when buying a home. However, many lenders do require one. Your mortgage lender might request that you obtain a termite clearance letter before closing on your home.

After visiting the property, a pest control company provides a termite clearance letter and inspects the home for termites and termite damage. The inspection takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the home’s size. The inspector will need access to the entire house to inspect for visible signs of termite infestation, such as damaged wood, mud tubes, or droppings. 

Even if your mortgage lender does not require a termite clearance letter, there are several reasons to get a termite inspection before you purchase a home.

 Typically, homeowners insurance does not cover termite damage, so remedying any underlying issues through the home’s sale negotiations will save you money. The inspection cost is small compared to the cost of repairing a termite problem down the road.

 Additionally, you may have active termites in your new home that your untrained eye cannot detect. Your licensed termite inspector can detect the presence of these pests before the damage is visible to the untrained eye. Termites can be present in the home for up to five years before the colony is large enough to cause significant damage. 

 The good news is that even if termites are detected on the property, not all is lost. Your professional can use termite removal methods to remedy the problem, maintain your structure’s integrity, and prevent future outbreaks.

Count on Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions for your termite inspection and prevention services. We have been keeping homes and businesses in the mid-south area bug-free for over two decades. In addition to eradicating pest problems, our highly trained exterminators can identify ways to protect your building from future infestations. Contact us for a free quote today!




The Silent and Stealthy Subterranean Termite

April 18, 2017

A stealthy and determined force of nature, termites are a cause of stress and worry for many homeowners throughout the United States, especially in the Gulf Coast region. Commonly referred to as “the silent destroyers,” termites will silently feed on the wood and other materials within homes 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.

If left untreated, termites are capable of causing costly damage to the structural wood of your most valuable possession – your home. The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites are responsible for $5 billion in property damage every year in the U.S.2

Termites are small, ant-like insects. However, they differ from ants in that they generally feed off the cellulose in wood. Working largely undetected under the surface, they can tunnel through the wooden structure of buildings and completely destroy them. Wood that comes in contact with the soil, such as the exterior trim on your home, provides a perfect point of entry for a termite colony. sub termite workers soldiers 300x222 - The Silent and Stealthy Subterranean Termite

There are many types of termites, with the most common and dangerous ones being subterranean termites. Some common physical characteristics of the subterranean termites include wings, six legs and an antenna. They are between 1/8” to 1” in size, and generally long, oval or narrow in shape. Perhaps their most distinctive trait is their creamy brown color.

Subterranean termites (variations include Eastern subterranean, Western subterranean, Formosan termites, Desert subterranean) originate in the soil as it provides optimal temperatures and moisture for their survival. They may live in areas above the ground or completely underground, and are known to build tunnels to transport food. They grow quickly and build new colonies yearly.

In the spring, large numbers of winged termites, known as “swarmers,” typically emerge inside homes. Spring typically is when large numbers of winged termites, known as “swarmers,” emerge inside homes. Triggered by warmer temperatures and rainfall, the winged termites emerge from the colony and fly into the air, and then swarm to disperse and start new colonies. If Subterranean termites colonies get big enough (colonies as large as two million have been reported3), they will further disperse and create satellite colonies.

Unlike most termites that only feed on wood, these termites feed on almost everything including beams, sub-flooring, insulation, foundation and plastic plumbing pipes. Coupled with their non-stop eating habits and quick growth rate, the termite colonies can easily be blamed for destroying homes and commercial buildings. The subterranean termite destruction is not limited to structures; they damage to living shrubs and trees as they eat into them, eventually killing them.

Due to their dangerous and destructive nature, and the fact subterranean termites can  be found everywhere in your house, it is important to take precautionary measures so that you can keep your property safe. Homeowners should get their house inspected semi-annually, especially if there are signs of pests or if it has been previously infested.

If you think you might have a termite  infestation, it’s critical to seek help from a trusted exterminator. Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions specializes in the diagnosis and removal of termite infestations in Olive Branch, Mississippi and surrounding areas. If you think you might be experiencing termite or other pest issues, contact us at 901-377-9915.

Rid All Termite & Pest Solutions
6229 Hwy. 305 N. Suite J
Olive Branch, MS 38654
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